GMA Taps Ferguson for the Amazing Spider-Man

On Thursday, July 7th, Grey Matter Art will release two new Spider-Man prints by Matt Ferguson. Matt and GMA have teamed up previously on a Phase I Marvel film series, and are now tackling the iconic web-crawler.

The standard edition will feature Spider-Man in his iconic red suit, while the variant edition will feature Spidey in his black suit. Both versions will also have GID images visible in the moon.

Regular Glow Layer
There will also be a regular edition handbill to purchase, and a variant edition randomly inserted into tubes.

Variant Glow Layer
Matt did a great a job with these, and we're sure fans will agree.

Standard Handbill
Drop Details: These will go on sale on Thursday, July 7th, at 1 PM EST on GMA's website. The regular is an edition of 250 and will cost $40, while the variant is an edition of 125 and will cost $45. Both prints measure 18x24. The regular edition handbill will retail for $10, and will have an edition of 100.
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