Odd City Drops Official True Romance Prints Tomorrow
People have been clamoring for an official True Romance print a while now, and justifiably so. Well, the wait is over. Like many others, the film is one of our favorites and deserves some great art to match. Part Tarantino (the writer), part Tony Scott (the director), the film serves as an interesting study on how a Tarantino film would look through the lenses of another director In that sense, it's somewhat reminiscent of A.I., which was hatched from the mind of Kubrick but ultimately shot by Spielberg after his passing. Now that Odd City has the license, we hope to see plenty of great art based on the property.
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First up is Matt Tobin, who has two prints debuting tomorrow at random time on Odd City's website. The regular is an edition of 95, with the variant only having an edition of 35. Both of them measure 36x24 and are hand numbered. With such low edition sizes, get to Odd City fast if you want one. Happy hunting!
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